VWP Deutschland
Am Steigbühl 2
90584 Allersberg
Bayern, Germany
Phone: +49 (0)9174 / 2862
Fax: +49 (0)9174 / 2621
Project Leader: g.gruber@vwp-europe.com
Future ready-for-production fuels must be produced in a sustainable way: regenerative instead of finite, neutral for soil, water, air (CO2 and climate) more socially tolerable and affordable for the world's population, without posing direct competition to food production and also taking land rights into consideration.
Plant oil is accumulated energy from the sun, and in addition to petroleum, the only liquid energy source already on the earth. Oil plants grow in all parts of the earth: under the earth (peanuts), on the earth (soya, canola, sunflower), on bushes (jatropha curcas), trees (oil palm, olive etc.). Unlike industrial whole plant utilisation concepts, when it comes to oil plants VWP advocates for combined production of fuel (plant oil) and protein (oil cake), while taking top soil development into account: reintroduction of straw, biomass on the field.
We research cultivation concepts with pure oil plants in crop rotation and/or multiple oil plants in a synergetic constellation on a field. Ecological "mixed crop cultivation" pertains to the combined production of energy and food production on one field: e.g. with peas and/or various types of grain with camelina sativa. VWP has developed a social-ecological concept for sustainable fuel production for over 20 years, and was distinguished in 2007 for its integrated biofuel concept with the Moppert Award from the Swiss Sarasin Bank. Future sustainability research focuses on the increasing ‘greening’ of agriculture right up to closed energy, CO2 and material/fertiliser cycles, including the preservation of soil fertility through a balanced top soil layer.
VWP sidesteps the conflict of objectives with food production in multiple ways, through